Atlanta Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Catastrophic injuries are unique. As opposed to other serious injuries, catastrophic injuries are defined by their profound and permanent impact on an individual’s life.

The Asten Hall Firm has years of experience litigating these complex claims. If you or a loved one have suffered a disabling injury, let a catastrophic injury attorney in Atlanta help you secure the compensation you deserve.

What is a Catastrophic Injury?

Catastrophic injuries cause such great bodily damage that the victim may never fully recover. Some of the following injuries are considered catastrophic and may leave an individual unable to participate in many of their normal everyday activities.

Spinal cord damage, brain injuries, and amputations are some of the most common catastrophic injuries. Any vision loss or cognitive impairment may also be considered catastrophic, depending on the extent of the damage.

According to Social Security Disability Insurance statistics, one out of four 20-year-olds will become disabled before turning 65. Catastrophic injuries can affect everyone, from occupational workers to motor accident vehicle victims.

How Are Most Catastrophic Injuries Caused in Atlanta?

Most catastrophic injuries in Atlanta, Georgia, are caused by negligence. At the Asten Hall Firm, we have handled numerous catastrophic injury claims. Most permanent injuries are caused by:

  • Truck Accidents
  • Occupational injuries
  • Car accidents
  • Slip-and-falls
  • Defective products
  • Construction accidents
  • Premises liability accidents
  • Dog bites
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Bicycle accidents

Catastrophic injuries can happen at any time. Nearly any negligent accident can lead to permanent loss of function or ability.

What Are the Most Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries?

Catastrophic injuries are the most devastating type of injury since the person will never be able to recover fully. Characterized by their life-changing nature, the most common examples of catastrophic bodily damage include the following.

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Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries change and alter the way the brain functions, affecting everything from bodily systems to memory. Many catastrophic injury victims suffer:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Language difficulties
  • Changes in personality or behavoir
  • Disrupted cognitive function
  • Loss of motor skills
  • Memory loss

In some cases, permanent damage can cause the brain to deteriorate exponentially, eventually resulting in death. If you have lost a loved one to a catastrophic injury, you may be entitled to unique compensation under a wrongful death claim.

Spinal Cord Damage

A person’s spinal cord is delicate, involving a very complex system of nerves and brain connections. Catastrophic injuries may include partial or complete paralysis. Any loss of feeling or movement may affect several bodily systems, including the digestive and cardiovascular systems. In severe cases, a serious spinal cord injury can result in paraplegia.

Crush Injuries

Crush injuries often lead to multiple organ failures and usually affect the heart and the kidneys. Crush injuries are considered catastrophic due to the life-long pain and reduced organ function suffered by survivors.

Burn Injuries

Burn injuries can cause severe scarring, disfigurement, or extreme muscle and nerve damage. While minor burns are not considered catastrophic, third-degree and fourth-degree burns can be life-threatening. Severe burns are vulnerable to infections. In addition, catastrophic burns can cause chronic joint pain throughout the lengthy healing process.

Amputation or Loss of Limb

When victims lose a limb, it is a life-changing devastation. Mobility can be limited without aid. Victims often suffer serious psychological and emotional issues, like post-traumatic stress disorder and clinical depression. The way a person functions every day changes forever.

Eye or Ear Injuries

Becoming blind or deaf is catastrophic. How the entire world is perceived is forever changed. The extent of hearing or vision loss may mean a person can no longer perform in their careers or participate in the same everyday activities.

Are There Unique Challenges for a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Atlanta?

Catastrophic injury claims can be uniquely challenging for attorneys. Most personal injury claims calculate pain and suffering and medical costs in a similar manner. Usually, they can cite comparable cases to find a fair settlement.
However, claims involving catastrophic injuries are far more varied and complex due to the higher financial impact and intense medical scrutiny.

Higher Financial Impact

Catastrophic injury claims have a much higher financial impact on the responsible party. The permanence of these injuries may mean calculating medical expenses for several decades. 

For example, suppose a car accident victim suffers a severe spinal cord injury resulting in paralysis. They lose the ability to feel or move from the waist down. The claimant will need medical care for the rest of their life. Claimants who experience the loss of their legs from paralysis will have to cope with pressure sores, chronic depression, and circulatory disorders. In addition, they will require various home modifications and equipment. These modifications and medical equipment are not permanent. They will need to be maintained, replaced, and upgraded over several years. Living and medical costs can reach astronomical numbers over several decades.

Greater Medical Scrutiny

Since the value of catastrophic injury claims is much higher, the is a greater burden of proof on the claimant. A temporary injury, like a broken leg, may be supported by a few x-rays. However, catastrophic injuries are far more involved and complex. 

A traumatic brain injury, for example, may need several physical and mental tests to show the extent of the damage and loss of function. In addition, if the brain injury is thought to worsen over time, the medical evidence will need to explore the possibilities in great detail. 

Medical evidence is very complicated and difficult to interpret for those unfamiliar with similar injuries. There is a greater chance of going to trial to explore expert testimony and the opinion of treating physicians. Medical records also undergo intense examination.

Permanent Physical And Cognitive Deficits

Catastrophic injuries have a tremendous impact on an individual’s life. Claimants have suffered the loss of motor function, senses, impaired reasoning, memory loss, and more. In many cases, victims will be subjected to a multitude of complications relating to their catastrophic injuries later in life. It is important that an Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer explore the extent of hardship the claimant will experience to secure compensation.

How Can Our Atlanta Catastrophic Injury Attorney Help?

Every catastrophic injury claim is unique, and damages will vary from case to case. If you or a loved one has suffered life-altering injuries, you need a lawyer skilled in complex litigation.
Our dedicated legal team has successfully secured compensation for clients that include:

  • Coverage of medical expenses presently and in the future

  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning potential

  • Loss of enjoyment of life

  • Pain and suffering

  • Emotional distress

Schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta catastrophic injury attorney today to discuss the details of your case.

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